What To Expect

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What to Expect

Welcome! No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you're welcome here. First Congregational Church is an inclusive spiritual community for all of God's people. No matter what your faith background, you'll find First Congregational Church a place where you can strengthen your faith and meet others who are on a similar faith journey.. When you come for a visit, you'll find friendly people waiting to welcome you. Stop by our Visitors Center located in the front of the sanctuary to pick up all our current information regarding upcoming events and fill out a visitors card. We would love to get to know you better!

What to Wear

Wear whatever makes you comfortable. There is no dress code. You'll see some people in dresses and suits and others in jeans and shorts.

What's In it for Kids and Youth

Our Children meet during our Adult Worship to have a learning experience just for them. Shortly after the morning worship begins the children will meet up front for a short Children's moment and then they will be led by our wonderful children's church teachers to the children's area located on our upper floor.

Youth Program

Our youth program is for ages middle school through high school and meets during our sunday school hour during the regular school year. They meet for special events during the summer months. They not only participate in our sunday morning worship service but often you will find them singing in the choir or providing special music and assisting the Deacons in other Sunday morning activities.

We can't wait to meet you and worship with you! Click here for the worship schedule and directions.